
mardi 14 novembre à 11h


salle GM 112 (Génie Mécanique 1er étage) INSA Toulouse



Nous vous proposons une réunion du thème « Microréacteurs-Microfluifique » de FERMaT le mardi 14 novembre à 11h à l’INSA – salle GM 112 (Génie Mécanique 1er étage).


L’ordre du jour sera le suivant :

  • Séminaire de Mohit Kumar (postdoc FERMAT ICA/LCPNO)

“Development of Energy saving and Long-term monitoring Microdevices for Gas Sensor applications”

Résumé ci-dessous.

  • Discussion des propositions de PACK DEMARRAGE .

Pour rappel,  vous trouverez en PJ l’appel avec une deadline de soumission le 7 novembre.

  • Discussion de la vie du thème (projets passés, en cours et futurs).

Development of Energy saving and Long-term monitoring Microdevices for Gas Sensor applications

Abstract An energy saving, low cost, and long term reliable microdevice for gas sensor applications gained an interest since decades. We present the steps for the efficient, selective, low cost and long-term reliable Metal Oxides (MOx) based microdevices development. The devices can work not even in normal atmospheric conditions but also useful for deep-field rare conditions. First part of presentation will be focus on the fabrication of MOx sensors for extremely low (few tens of ppb) gas concentration. Sensors were found selective to the target gas especially for hydrogen (in the context of clean energy source) and for propanol (in the context of lung cancer detection). Second part will be focus on the adaptation of AlGaN/GaN technique for MOx sensor to develop highly selective sensor for rare conditions. These sensors were found to be operated using low energy and reliable for long term. The approaches for an energy-efficient, long-term durable, constant monitoring, and miniaturized devices will be propose.


Mohit Kumar

affiche journée thématique